We are the leading provider of NJ Public Purchasing consulting services.
Our dedication and consultative approach shine through on every engagement. Our team of professionals is dedicated to serving the needs of our clients each and every day, with a focus on individual attention, expert analysis and an attention to detail that is second to none.

Specialization That You Can't Find Anywhere Else
The team includes former public sector executives that hold various certifications including:
- Q.P.A. (Qualified Purchasing Agent)
- CPPO (Certified Public Procurement Official)
- C.C.P.O. (Certified County Purchasing Officer)
- R.P.P.O (Registered Public Purchasing Officer)
- R.P.P.S. (Registered Public Purchasing Specialist).
We are the experts in public purchasing in New Jersey you have been looking for. We specialize in: Local Public Contracts Law (Title 40A:11 et. seq.) Education Contracts Law (Title 18A:18A et. seq.) State College Contracts Law (Title 18A) while working many entities in the public and private sectors. Rely on our expertise in policies and procedures, purchasing manuals, vendor manuals and organizational structures and reviews of existing systems.

Schedule Your Discovery Call
Schedule your 30 minute Discovery Call with Jerry Volpe, Q.P.A. and CEO of Governance & Fiscal Affairs and discover three to five ways your town, municipality or organization could be operating more efficiently and effectively.
Schedule My Call