Powering The Public Sector For Over 30 Years.
Governance & Fiscal Affairs, LLC Partners helps city, county and public sector entities improve their organizations and operations. We offer strategic planning, process improvement, organization analysis, financial analysis, executive recruitment, interim management, coaching, training and other services..

Public Purchasing Consulting
If you need support for a specific procurement task, consider our consulting services. NJ Purchasing offers an unparalleled level of expertise in public procurement. All of our professionals are extremely knowledgeable about procurement and have gained leadership experience working in senior management roles in public procurement. Our consultants work diligently to understand your need in order to tailor relevant solutions for your unique situation.

Qualified Purchasing Services
Looking for a Qualified Purchasing Agent? Have an active search going on, but just can't find the perfect match. Don't just settle for any old candidate. Let NJ Purchasing fill the void with it's professional QPA's and seasoned executives on a part-time pasis until you are able to find the perfect candidate. NJ Purchasing offers Qualified Purchasing Services to meet your needs.

Continuing Education Courses
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) requires that all qualified purchasing agents keep up to date on changing rules and regulations through continuing education. NJ Purchasing's courses are approved by the DCA to satisfy your continuing education requirements to keep your purchasing certifications active. Explore our professionally developed and designed online courses or contact us to create a custom training program, just for you.
NJ Purchasing is the premier source for continuing education for NJ QPAs
The current rules require 20 hours of Continuing Education for renewal in the following areas:
- Procurement Procedures 2 hours
- Green Purchasing 2 hours
- Office adm./general duties 2 hours
- Ethics 3 hours
- Informational Technology Optional
The remaining required 11 contact hours may be obtained in any distribution of subject areas.
Failure to renew your QPA certification will require you to retake the entire exam in order to obtain a new certificate.

All The Tools You Need To Succeed as a New Jersey QPA
Whether you need a seasoned purchasing profession to help with creating a request for proposal, rock solid advice on updating your purchasing procedures or some expert training to maintain your certifications - NJ Purchasing is the one-stop source for all things purchasing in New Jersey.
Schedule Your Discovery Call
Schedule your 30 minute Discovery Call with Jerry Volpe, Q.P.A. and CEO of Governance & Fiscal Affairs and discover three to five ways your town, municipality or organization could be operating more efficiently and effectively.